
Education is the one that doing something constructive in our near future. It helps a person to show their best by their mind and spirit. It gives you a lot of knowledge in whatever aspects. The more you have knowledge the more you grow. Being educated and earning a professional degree prepares you to be a part in reputed organizations, companies or institutions.

There is a special need today for evolving a new system of education in India which must be in tune with our major values of national tradition and integration. This system can only nourish and strengthen our national consciousness. Education means the fostering of the personality through the continuous development of innate qualities of a person. It aims to adjust the rhythm of the individual life with the rhythm of the society. This adjustment involves strengthening of one character and consolidation of the moral fiber. Today our education system lacks these moral standards.

As ethical point of view human actions can be judged as good or bad right or wrong moral or immoral. These judgments are always determined by the common moral standard of our society. Modern man has become very materialistic and is totally preoccupied in pursuit of material things. This excessive urge for materialistic gains has made him ignore the spiritual and moral aspects of his life. Today the educational system has failed to inculcate in young people moral values. Despite the phenomenal increase in the number of educational institutions, there has been a deterioration of human values in our society. Now moral education is not included in any syllabus whether of science or humanities. But our ancient universities of Nalanda and Taxila focused on imparting moral education to the students. Then teachers laid emphasis on the need to become a perfect human being. Values like respect to elders and teachers, discipline and restraint in life were taught by the teachers. In ancient times children were sent to the guru’s ashram not only to imbibe education which could equip them to earn lively hood, it also to imbibe moral and spiritual values. Such value she lapped them to sustain themselves in their moments of confusion and anxiety. Today these values are completely overlooked by our education system.

Educationists opine that morality cannot be taught as a subject in any educational institution. It is something which child learns from its parents a family. As our country is secular country, it is not possible to include religion as a syllabus in schools of colleges. The moral education can be given through discipline and punishment for violating the codes of conduct.


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