
Co-Curricular activities plays very important roles in student’s life. Co-curricular activities are those courses of works and activities which supports and puts an add-on effect on our education integral part to raise our skills towards our core field we are mainly involved in. These are activities together with education or studies of school or institution. A Chinese proverb very aptly states that, “Teach me and I will Forget. Show me and I might remember. Involve me and I will never forget”. To a very great extent, the theoretical knowledge is enhanced when a co-curricular activity related to the content thought, is organized. Intellectual development of the personality is achieved to a great extent, in the classroom itself. But, the aesthetic development like character building, spiritual and moral values, physical growth, creativity and many more are learnt by co-curricular activities only. It also improves coordination and speech fluency and debating skills among students. Apart from the theoretical knowledge, students have the opportunity to get into new horizon of activities that gives them a better insight and lets them to choose what they enjoy and what they wish to learn.

The rewards of co-curricular activities in schools have been researched pretty well and its now ascertain that students who participate in these activities show higher academic results, stronger relationships in schools and more likely to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Students also feel a sense of belonging to the school and have a higher self-esteem by participation in structured activities like music, dance, performing arts etc. In addition to this, students are motivated and it leads to a happier, healthier and more cohesive environment at school.



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