Importance of practical learning in education system

Importance of practical learning in education system

Education is the key to developing our younger generation today and we want to see a generation of young leaders who are built-up to be capable, resilient and faithful. Although it is necessary to gain knowledge by being ‘books-smart’ or ‘exams-savvy’, it is also essential to inculcate good character values, self awareness and social effectiveness in the younger generation. We believe that our younger generation should receive an all-rounded education, both in book knowledge and practical skills which will enable them to excel in the societal environment and achieve personal success and growth.

Better learning- Real-life practical training gives a new learning experience and allows the knowledge to stay in your mind longer. For instance, if you’re studying to become a web designer or developer, knowing the concepts of coding is necessary, but you also need to learn how to code through practice.
Get the career you want- Practical experience helps you get in touch with the right employers and create contacts and networks that can help you land your dream role.
However, it’s clear that practical learning is very important for all students and it helps them to reach their zenith. A topmost MBA college in Indore provides practical learning to their students.

The author of this article is Asst. Professor, Pioneer institute of professional Studies, Indore

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