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A case study presents an account of what happened to a business or industry over a number of years. It chronicles the events that managers had to deal with, such as changes in the competitive environment, and charts the managers' response, which usually involved changing the business- or corporate-level strategy.

Cases prove valuable in a course for several reasons. First, cases provide you, the student, with experience of organizational problems that you probably have not had the opportunity to experience first-hand. In a relatively short period of time, you will have the chance to appreciate and analyse the problems faced

There’s a positive Side of Social Media too……

Today’s world is a global village. Everyone is connected to one another in this vast network generated by the Internet. Social networking communities in this era are here to stay. Facebook has over 500 million users, while Twitter has over 200 million. It illuminates the lives of thousands of people by spreading knowledge internationally, thereby making us global citizens.  There’s no doubt that even students are actively engaged in online communities, but what kind of effects are these sites having and how can we counteract the bad and bolster the positive?

Social networking has increased the rate and quality of


We just reached an accumulated 2 billion active social media users worldwide; this means that the effect of social media on our way of life and on our education is inevitable. One of the major factors of our life that got affected is our education, knowing that the majority of the social media users globally, range from the age of 14-29 AKA school years more or less. Though we all might assume that the effect is one sided, but it seems that social media has done as much good as bad to our educational structure. There’s no doubt that students

Role of Education for Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment refers to strengthening the social, economic and educational powers of women. It refers to an environment where there is no gender bias and has equal rights in community, society and workplaces.

The subject of empowerment of women has becoming a burning issue all over the world including India since last few decades. Many agencies of United Nations in their reports have emphasized that gender issue is to be given utmost priority. It is held that women now cannot be asked to wait for any more for equality.

Women Empowerment is the empowerment of women which helps them to

Meditation: A boon for Students

We usually never thought of meditation, yoga and studying all together in the same sentence. But it is worth noting that all they can be interrelated.  Wonder no longer,  meditation is absolutely fantastic for young people and is the finest solution to many problems, but many have failed to recognize the fact. 

Student life goes through many different phases. There are lot of activities which have to be done together-Collage/school, Tuitions, assignments, projects, exams etc. Moreover there are friends, movies, parties, get togethers and social media to add on. A student has to deal with them all together. But time

Job satisfaction-A Must for employees’ retention

Job satisfaction is individual attitude towards job. It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that person's parent. There are a variety of factors that can influence a person's level of job satisfaction; some of these factors include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness of the promotion system within a company, the quality of the working conditions, leadership and social relationships, achievement,advancement,growth,recognition,responsibility  and the job itself. some author define job satisfaction as Contentment arising out of interplay of employee's positive and negative feelings

Importance of Yoga for Students

The ancient practice of yoga offers a multitude of benefits to modern-day students at almost every grade level. Yoga's combination of breath and movement can help alleviate social and academic stress, clear the mind and soothe cramped bodies jammed into desks and hunched over computers. With more than 20 million practitioners as of 2013, yoga is making its way into schools with plenty of potentially positive outcomes.

De-Stressed Students

One of yoga's primary benefits for adults is the alleviation of stress. Students may be young, but they aren't immune to stress. Family pressure, financial fears, academic performance standards and peer

Importance of Moral Values in Student Life

Students are the prospect of India. The future of our country depends upon the moral values imparted to them during their student life. ethical lessons should be properly implemented among students in school and colleges. Children have an immense power of observation and their feelings are deep rooted. They always observe their parents at home and their teachers in school.

The method of teaching moral values to students is universal. It is the most important duty of the teachers. If a child misbehaves or tells lies, people blame the parents and teachers.

Children resort to lie for their personal gains. They

How Justified is the fees Hike in school is?

The mounting cost of education in recent years has eaten into a major part of the household budget. An Assocham survey showed that 65% of parents spend more than half their take-home pay on their children's education, extra co-curricular activities placing significant burden on their family budget. According to the survey, parents spending on a single child's education has gone up from Rs 35,000 in 2005 to over Rs 94,000 in 2011 on such items and activities as integral to the school curriculum like fees, transport books, uniform, stationery, building fund, educational trips, extra tuitions and extracurricular activities. The survey

Emotional Intelligence in Student Life

Inspite of being smarter with their higher intelligence quotient levels, students are not so smart about feelings. They are showing disturbing trends of increased anger issues, loneliness, aggression and impulsive behavior. Emotional Intelligence can become an answer and solution to all these problems. Emotional In(EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while other claim it is an inborn characteristic.

Parents can help their children develop their emotional side or EQ by engaging them into more social activities and interactions or giving them books etc. They

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